Longley Rice Terrestial Propagation


On first page "Pre-defined Locations" choose Australasia from the drop down list. Click Continue.

Select Sydney from the AustralasiaLocationsListed drop down box. Click Continue.

Click on North until Muswellbrook come into view. Click on the hills to the west of Scone. Re -centre the map. We should have a clear view from Murrurundi to Muswellbrook. Click Broadcast mode.

We see the terrian profile around the choosen site. Thus possible obstructions can be seen.

Set a broadcast Tx power of 1KW, Rx sensitivity 5uV. Continue

Now fill in the Antenna effects. The frquency 97.5MHz. Use the dropdown list to select an antenna type. Here Yagis 2 element with a gain of 4.45dbi. The orientation is 140 degrees, polarisation Vertical, climate Temperate, ground average.

Further the reliability at 90%, radius of action 25Km.

If we select the radiation button a map with the antenna radition pattern is displayed. Muswellhill should be in the boresite. Continue to return to the parameters. Check all is correct, then Continue to analysis.

A map of the broadcast area is displayed. The tabs along the top are for the varios broadast parameters of interest. The broadcast analysis is via launching a background job on the server. Depending upon the current server load the analysis time will change.

Click on the Power tab. We clearly see the power is directed to Muswellhill with a shading passed the town, indicating a higher TX mast may be required.

Go to the Propagation Broadcast Analysis Site

Broadcast Analysis

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