Entry Page
The first page we see acts as the entry point to both the Pt-Pt Link and Area Broadcast calculations. The initial location of the transmitter needs to be entered in one of the different formats given.
Direct entry of the latitude and longitude in either decimal or the classical degrees, minutes and seconds.
As a location on the globe. Choose a continent, then country, then city. The UK has a specific entry. The map around the choosen point displayed. By using the tabs the map can be moved north, south, east, west and changed in size. Likewise the map can be flipped between geographic and terrain. Thus a suitable high point can be found for the broadcast transmitter or start point for a link.
Having settled on the Tx location a second click on the map will locate the Rx of the potential link. Again a click on the end to end tab will bring up a profile of the route between the two end points. Thus the route can be checked for obstacles, potential Fresnel blocks and estimate the minimum atenna heights required for line of site.
It needs to be noted that all non-UK maps, both geographic and terrain are latitude longitide linear. That is the distance span will vary with latitude and longitude. Thus a constant distance radius of a point will describe an ellipse. Hover the UK maps based upon the Ordenace Survey series the maps are distance linear and constant distance coverage will describe a circle.
Second Step
Having choosen the Pt-Pt option we now need to enter the Tx and Rx parameters, the ground conditions, weather check etc...
First the TX Power, Feed Cable Loss, Antenna Gain, Antenna Height.
Then the RX Antenna Gain, Antenna Height, Down feed loss, Receiver Sensitivity, The sensitivity margin.
Third Step
Fill in the all important frequency, polarisation, climate, ground type. For a pt.pt link the propagation mode is single unless we want to factor in a moble Rx.
First the TX Power, Feed Cable Loss, Antenna Gain, Antenna Height.